Saturday, June 27, 2009


It's been quite a while since I last posted anything on the site. The family home is being renovated for 3 months so baking has been kept at a minimum but good news, I am moving back in a couple of days and I'll be able to start with more delicious posts again.

Just an update on what has been happening on the baking front; I have decided that it is time I took concrete steps, albeit very tiny ones, towards my dream of owning my own bakery one day. Thus, the official 'The Vanille Bean' menu for home orders will be out within the month! I would say the menu is a list of comfort food packed with big flavours and wholesome ingredients. All are made to order and by hand, from scratch. so quality and freshness is assured.

Another big plan which I have will be revealed when the time is right. All the planets need to align on this one for it to come true :-)

Ok, enough said, check back the week after with pictures of the new kitchen and delicious bakes!

P.S. 'The Vanille Bean' menu will be posted on the website temporarily until I find out how to get an official site up and running.


Diana said...

Yay!! Gotta visit your new place man..

XY said...

So... when can I order wholesome food from my favourite chef? :)